
Free the Imagination

I have a joyful personality and a great sense of humor. I am always keen to keep good relationships with all my colleagues to the best of my communication and interpersonal skills.

I have a colorful life and my employment experiences attest to that. I’ve been an actress in a cornfield, a high school teacher, a camping gear expert, a chiropractic assistant, a software tech support expert, a writer, an editor, and even a manga translator.

I’ve been Dungeon Master (Game Master) at Dungeons and Dragons for six years and my players still haven’t reached their primary goal because I’ve been adding side quests all the way. Ultimately, I am aiming for the position of Quest Designer, since my skills are mainly found in the creation of quests and universes with a highly developed narrative. I take great pleasure in building a world and bringing it to life for my players. I create complex situations and give them a wide range of emotions. I push them to create too and to build this universe with me. Pure creation.

I am also a LARP player and a writer. I write fantasy, historical novel, and science fiction. I have a particular attachment to the Arthurian cycle and to works that address moral, religious and ethical questions, as well as the subject of cultural alienation. I have a Bachelor’s Degree and a Master’s Degree in literature, which gives me expertise in creation and narrative structure. This experience, combined with my training in Video Game Design, gives me all the tools to bring a lot to the industry.


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